Sermon Summaries

Welcome to Sermon Summaries. These short devotions are taken from the sermons delivered on the date presented. It is my hope that they will serve to inspire and comfort. Please know that you are welcome at the worship services at First Baptist.
Yours In Christ, Malcom Hester, Pastor

Date/Service 1/11/04 - Morning
Titlle The Lost Sheep
Scripture Matthew 18: 10-14
Summary Wandering sheep are a sad fact of life whether we are talking about sheep or people. We sometimes hear someone say,” I’m just a black sheep.” Maybe they wander because they are stubborn or maybe they are just not a smart as they should be.

There is a great danger in wandering because sheep don’t have much protection. They need the safety of a fold and a shepherd. That is true for human sheep also. We like to think we are strong and don’t need any help but really we are weak when Satan comes around.

In this parable we look at the shepherd for a picture of God. He is motivated by love to look for the lost sheep. Jesus came seeking the lost. First he came to the Jews and after they rejected him, he turned to the gentiles. Like a shepherd, he rejoices over the lost that are found.

The 99 sheep that were left along may feel some resentment. Like the older son in the story of the prodical, they may feel they are not receiving all they should from God.

If we are in tune with the heart of the master, we will want to reach out to the lost sheep.
Date/Service 1/11/04 - Evening
Titlle The Ladder of Faith
Scripture 2 Peter 1: 1-15
Summary Jesus is all the revelation of God that we need. There is no need to add any other person or belief to what is provided in Jesus. He makes it possible for us to have the victorious life.

Peter outlines the steps to a mature Christian life. The process starts with faith which is what gets us onto the ladder. Faith allows our salvation. After we are saved we need to add goodness to our life. This does not save us but it makes us act like we are saved.

To goodness we should add knowledge. This knowledge is understanding God and not just memory of facts.

Self control is the next step. “Losing it” just does not work for the Christian.

Perseverance is very important to the Christian lifestyle. We must keep on keeping on.

Godliness is next on the ladder. We all know some examples of this characteristic as we observe older saints.

We grow into brotherly love and then we reach love.

Every believer should be moving upward in his Christian life.
Date/Service 1/18/04 - Morning
Titlle Two Men at Prayer
Scripture Luke 18: 10-14
Summary We find temptation and sin in the most holy places. Even a house of worship is not immune to the sin of pride. The problem of self-deceit is common. Jesus in Matthew 7: 21-23 tells us that some will be surprised on judgment day to find that they are not saved.

The first subject of our investigation is a Pharisee. He was a member of the most conservative religious group among the Jews. He was cursed with a critical spirit and he has many relatives in Christian circles today. The critic feels he looks better if he pulls down another. Pastors learn to beware of church members who come to “tell on” others members. The critical spirit does harm to the community of believers. Proverbs 26: 20-21 shows us that the Old Testament recognized this problem and the New Testament has several scriptures about it. The critic places himself in the place of God and judges others.

The second person is a tax collector who was definitely regarded by society as a sinner. Notice that he humbled himself. The Bible always leaves the humbling to the individual. This man knew he was a sinner and needed help. His cries for mercy were answered and God heard his prayers.
Date/Service 1/18/04 - Evening
Titlle Numbered Days
Scripture Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
Summary Death is something most people try to ignore. The Bible teaches us that we have a divine appointment in Job 14: 5. This is an appointment that we must keep.

Psalms 90: 12 teaches us to number our days. We should treasure our time and spend it wisely. How would we live if we knew the hour of our death? The wise thing to do is apply our hearts to wisdom and the fear of the Lord is the beginning.

A mother asked her child “For heaven’s sake, what on earth are you doing?” We need to ask ourselves that question. What are you doing now for your eternity. Our length of time here is nothing compared to eternity. We are wise if we live for the end and the judgment that is coming.
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